
Filing a Neck Injury Claim after a Serious Sports Injury

By Flux

Most people have taken a trip to the zoo to gaze up at the majestic giraffes—their long necks extending far up into the trees. We know it’s an evolutionary thing: giraffes have long necks to reach their main source of food—trees. But what you may not have known is that a giraffe’s neck has the same number of vertebrae as the human neck! Although this may be hard to conceptualize…it’s the truth.


The neck is an extremely important part of the human body, as the nerves of both the head and neck include the brain and the spinal cord. This is why neck injuries can be incredibly debilitating, but there are varying degrees of severity when it comes to these injuries.


Sports Injuries


Cervical spinal cord injuries (SCIs) and neck fractures are two particularly common injuries when participating in amateur or professional sports. A fractured neck is a very serious injury, as this could lead to a complete SCI.


This is why New York Jets head coach, Todd Bowles, was so worried when his rookie player Lorenzo Mauldin suffered a potentially serious neck injury after a game. Lorenzo was uncovered under a mountain of players and collapsed on the field shortly after. He was taken out of the game on a spinal board, while a brace protected his neck and head. Unfortunately, neck injuries are common in contact sports, but if another player was at-fault in the accident, a neck injury claim could be filed against this player. A personal injury lawyer will be able to help you with your case if you happen to be the victim of a serious neck injury.


The Signs of a Fractured/Broken Neck


A neck fracture means that there has been a break in one (or more) of the bones in the vertebrae in the neck, or cervical bones. Medical attention is needed immediately after this injury, but there are different signs and symptoms that you can spot to identify the injury. Here are a few of the signs and symptoms:


  • pain in the neck area (it might not be severe pain at first);
  • pain that begins burning down the arms or shoulders;
  • bruising or swelling is visible;
  • tenderness in the area;
  • ·numbness; or
  • ·overall muscle weakness.


If any of these signs or symptoms are visible, you need medical attention immediately. If someone is at fault in the accident, you need to hire a personal injury lawyer and file a neck injury claim to get the compensation you deserve for your injury.


Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer


Sports injuries are inevitable, but if another player is at-fault for your serious neck injury, do not sit out on the sidelines and let the situation play out. You need to hire a personal injury lawyer if you want any help with financial compensation. It also prevents this player from repeating his or her behaviour and seriously injuring someone else again. A personal injury lawyer will build a case against the accused, file your claims, deal with your insurance company directly, and give you expert advice throughout this entire process. Be in control of your own plays after a neck injury, and book a consultation with a Sokoloff lawyer today.


