
Get Help with your Recovery from a Brain Damage Injury Lawyer

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Sustaining a traumatic brain injury is not something anyone wants to go through. No matter the circumstances of your injury, you will always want to make sure that you partner with a strong brain damage injury lawyer. If you sustain an injury to your brain a Toronto personal injury lawyer can help ensure that you are compensated for your injuries.


What are my treatment options if I have suffered an injury to my brain?


Your treatment options will depend entirely on the severity of your injury; an injury to your brain is incredibly complex—as complex as the brain is itself. Depending on how serious your injury is, your treatment options will change.


Some of the most common treatment options for brain injury patients include:


Acute Rehabilitation


The process of acute rehabilitation is usually handled by a team of healthcare professionals—typically in a hospital setting. This form of rehabilitation is based around regaining the core abilities that allow someone to function on a day-to-day basis. Focusing on simple tasks like: getting dressed, cleaning oneself, etc. acute rehabilitation is the most intensive form of treatment for brain damage injuries.


Subacute Rehabilitation


Subacute rehabilitation is a less intensive form of rehabilitation that is typically handled over a longer period of time. Patients who are either not responding well to intensive treatment, or who are looking to expand upon their acute treatments, may seek out subacute rehabilitation.


Postacute Rehabilitation


Postacute rehabilitation focuses primarily on the patient gaining independence and compensating for any abilities lost as a result of the injury. This type of rehabilitation typically occurs in a separate facility, where the conditions are most like day-to-day life, to give a patient a good idea of what they are facing at the end of the healing process.


A brain damage injury lawyer can ensure that while you are going through treatment, you are recouped for any losses you have incurred as part of your injury. Going through such a damaging injury, and an exhaustive rehabilitation process, is only going to be easier when you have strong representation by your side. Sokoloff is here to help and offers a free initial consultation free to discuss your options.

