
Getting Compensation for Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

Getting Compensation for Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries
Motor vehicle injuries can result in pain and suffering, loss of income, and more.
Learn more about what to do if you’ve been injured in an MVA and how personal injury law firms like Sokoloff Lawyers in Toronto can help you claim insurance benefits. Examples of the kinds of compensation that a personal injury lawyer can help you claim include: income replacement, non-earner benefits, caregiver assistance, medical and rehabilitation benefits, attendant care as well as coverage for expenses. 

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries


It’s estimated that there are approximately 160,000 motor vehicle accidents per year in Canada. The largest percentage of these occur because one car hits another car; a smaller percentage are single car accidents;  others are due to weather or acts of nature, collisions with parked vehicles or trees, or collisions with pedestrians or cyclists. Of course, many of these accidents result in injuries, and each year, approximately 10,000 Canadians are seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents.


If you or a family member has been injured in a car accident, your first priority should be to access the best medical care possible. But once you are out of immediate danger, you may also need to think about claiming insurance benefits or taking legal action in order to get compensation for your injuries. You (or a family member) should report your accident to your insurance company within seven days. If you are able, keep records of the doctors who treat you and any medications prescribed, and do your best to follow any treatment plans that are recommended. Take photos, or ask someone to take photos of the accident scene and get contact information from other drivers or witnesses to the accident. Police will be called to the accident scene any time someone has been injured; obtain a copy of the police report and any other official documents relating to the accident. Save any receipts for medical equipment or medications that you are required to pay for. While the accident is still fresh in your memory, write down an account of everything that happened, from your point of view. And as soon as you are able to, meet with a personal injury lawyer.


Personal Injury Law Firms


It’s very important to choose a lawyer who works in the area of personal injury law, because these cases require a particular skill set. The deadlines for filing claims or lawsuits are inflexible, and the paperwork required is complex and exacting, requiring not only legal knowledge, but also a certain amount of medical knowledge. In fact, many personal injury lawyers help their clients to find appropriate therapies and rehabilitation facilities. If you are unable to work, it also makes a great deal of sense to work with a personal injury lawyer, since, unlike other lawyers, these professionals work on a contingency basis. This means that they do not charge hourly fees, but rather will receive a percentage of any compensation you receive. 


If you are unable to work, it also makes a great deal of sense to work with a personal injury lawyer, since, unlike other lawyers, these professionals work on a contingency basis. This means that they do not charge hourly fees, but rather will receive a percentage of any compensation you receive. When you meet with a personal injury lawyer, bring any documentation that you have with you, and come prepared to ask any questions you might have about the process. Pay attention to how well the lawyer communicates; that will help you to decide whether or not you’d like to work with him or her. If you prefer to communicate in a language other than English, seek out a personal injury law firm that offers services in a variety of languages.


Insurance Benefits


In Ontario, insurance benefits are outlined clearly. Under the province’s “no-fault” system, you can claim benefits even if the accident was entirely your own fault. The Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (or “SABS”) is provincially mandated, and every auto insurance policy in Ontario provides standard coverage. SABS will provide compensation to you, your passengers, or any pedestrians who suffer injury or death in an auto accident where you were the driver.


If you’re injured, you may be entitled to some or all of the following accident benefits under SABs:

  • Income Replacement: This benefit helps to compensate you for income you may lose if you are unable to work (or to work as much as you did formerly) due to an injury.
  • Non-earner: This benefit provides compensation if you do not qualify for Income Replacement benefits but are unable to carry on a normal life following your injuries.
  • Caregiver: A Caregiver benefit helps to compensate for expenses incurred by hiring someone to care for a member of your household who you are no longer able to care for due to your injury. This may apply to minor children, or to elderly or incapacitated family members.
  • Medical: This benefit pays for medical expenses incurred when you are injured.
  • Rehabilitation: This benefit pays for rehabilitation expenses incurred when you are injured.
  • Attendant Care: This benefit helps to compensates you for the expense of an aide or attendant, should you need one due to your injuries.
  • Compensation for Other Expenses: These benefits may pay for some housekeeping and home maintenance, lost educational expenses, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Knowing what to do can help you to get the compensation you deserve.

Call Sokoloff Lawyers today at (416) 966-4878 and make an appointment to discuss your situation.