
Hiring a Spinal Injury Lawyer after an Accident Occurs

Edited by Admin

Sting’s World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) career was nearly wrestled away from him when he sustained an injury during the Night of Champions, fighting against Seth Rollins. The rumors have it that Sting suffered a spinal injury, which will put him out of the wrestling rings for a while—until he can fully recover. Unfortunately, many people suffer the same fate (though wrestling is not usually the cause of the injury), and will hire a spinal injury lawyer to receive compensation for their injuries.


Experiencing a Spinal Cord Injury


A spinal cord injury can be complete or incomplete; a complete injury is when all feeling and movement is lost below the injury, while an incomplete injury is when you have some feeling and motion below the injury. A spinal cord injury is not something that goes away, and it can affect every facet of your life. Hopefully research will move forward and advancements will be made to improve the outcome of a spinal injury, but for now the aftermath is quite debilitating.


These are a few symptoms that show you have suffered a spinal injury after a car accident and should begin looking for a spinal injury lawyer to help with financial compensation:


  • Any loss of movement;
  • Loss of feeling (not being able to feel temperatures);
  • Losing control of your bladder;
  • Intense spasms;
  • Having trouble breathing; and
  • Pain or stinging.


If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. It’s safer to assume that you have an injury, because then the proper precautions can be taken so that the injury does not become more severe. A spinal injury lawyer will deal with your insurance company directly and guide you through the process of filing your claims, alleviating much of the stress.


