
Hiring an Accident Claim Lawyer after an Accident Caused by Rural or Urban Driving Distractions Occurs

Hiring an Accident Claim Lawyer after an Accident Caused by Rural or Urban Driving Distractions Occurs

The grass always seems to be greener when you’re living in a city or on the countryside, but some people are extremely anti-city or –country when deciding where they want to settle down. When driving, there are pros and cons to both city and country driving. Unfortunately, we have yet to find “utopia,” but if we know where the hazards lie, it is easier to prepare ourselves for long drives ahead.


City Driving Distractions


In a city environment, there are many different distractions to be aware of on the roads. Distracted driving causes serious accidents, so it’s best to eliminate or be aware of the distractions that will prevent you from making responsible driving decisions. Here are a few driving distractions to be aware of in the city:


  • Traffic;
  • Pedestrians;
  • Construction on the roads;
  • Parking lots;
  • Signs that are misplaced;
  • Changes in speed;
  • Alleyways;
  • The glare from the sun; and
  • Poor weather conditions.


These distractions are capable of taking away your attention for a few seconds, causing a serious car accident with detrimental consequences. Therefore, it is best to be aware of these distractions before encountering any of these city hazards.


Rural Driving Distractions


Like the city, there are also many different distractions to be met with on rural roads. It is important to be aware of these obstacles and ensure that you are keeping yourself safe on the roads. Here are a few distractions to watch out for:


  • Wildlife;
  • Farming equipment;
  • Snowmobiles;
  • Loose gravel, mud, ice;
  • Railway crossings;
  • Blowing snow; and
  • Extreme weather conditions.


The city and country environments have different distractions that drivers need to be aware of before they begin their journey. It is important to map out your trip so that you are comfortable driving and will pay attention to the road ahead of you.


Hiring an Accident Claim Lawyer


If you have been involved in a car accident in a country or urban setting, a Toronto personal injury lawyer or accident claim lawyer will ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for the accident. Accident claim lawyers will guide you through the process of filing your claims, and they will deal with your insurance companies directly.


Book an appointment with an accident claim lawyer or Toronto personal injury lawyer at Sokoloff today.

