
How Product Liability Compensation Can Result in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

By Mark

Product Liability Compensation is a common occurrence in Canadian society due to the number of faulty products being released on an annual basis. The failure of products to adequately meet consumer needs can result in a personal injury lawsuit. Product liability can occur in several ways, including: damaged furniture, faulty electronics, faulty vehicles, medicines, contaminated foods, and faulty medical devices.


Products that fail consumer demands can have detrimental effects on the people who purchase them without knowing the consequences. A personal injury lawsuit is necessary to obtain the proper recompense for financial hardship and coverage for associated medical costs. Replacement costs of more expensive faulty products are important and can be difficult to obtain without the help of an experienced lawyer. The Four types of product liability compensation are: the failure to recall a defective product, damage to the product during manufacture, failure to display a warning on the product or make the customer aware of this, and poor design.

  • Failure to recall a defective product

    Failure to recall a defective product is a common cause of product liability compensation that leads to a personal injury claim. Failing to recall a defective product within 24 hours can lead to serious consequences, because the product becomes an immediate danger to consumers.

    General Electric was fined 3.5 million dollars for allowing defective dishwashers to be sold for three years without any removal. The dishwashers were known to overheat, which caused potential fires and burn hazards for customers. General Electric did not inform customers for seven years (from 2003 until 2010) about the product malfunction. Several reports of fires had been noted before the company was taken to court for failing to comply with product standards.

  • Damage to the product during manufacture

    Damage to products during manufacture can result in product defects and injury that lead to a personal injury claim. This year, Canada reported recalling TCP Connected LED Downlight Lights because an internal part was incorrectly assembled. This caused the light to malfunction and cause an electronic shock during installation. Internal errors of products can cause harm and product liability compensation is needed from the error on behalf of the company.

  • Failure to display a warning on the product

    Failing to display a warning on a product can result in the dangerous use of a product, especially medications. It is essential to include extensive warnings about medications, especially when they change in dosage or ingredients. Many people have become quite ill from misuse of medication due to lack of warnings, and a personal injury lawsuit is necessary to obtain help after such a harrowing experience.

  • Poor design

When a product is created, it is essential to ensure that it is safe and durable for use by a customer. When a product is designed poorly, it can be detrimental to the user—especially when it involves children. The Embrace 35 Booster Seat 2011 is an example of a recall that was designed poorly and did not comply with all of the necessary standards for child car seats. The seat itself was not durable and could not withstand a car accident, which could put a child’s life at risk. Complying with national standards is necessary for safe product creation.

