
Motor Vehicle Accidents are Happening due to Street Racing

Edited by Admin

It’s a boring night out--so you’ve decided to take a drive around the block. You’re stopped at a red light contemplating going home for the night. Suddenly, an exotic car rides up beside you and revs the engine, loud enough for the entire street to hear. The street race begins and before you know it, you’re traveling at speeds of up to 120/mph on rural roads. Then the unimaginable happens; the car beside you veers off of the side of the road and crashes. The street race ends in a disheveled junkyard, and you regret every moment of the spontaneous race.


Street racing can seem so appealing, until the consequences come to fruition. There is a law against racing in Ontario to prevent motor vehicle accidents from happening on the roads, as accidents that occur at such intense speeds usually result in death.

These are the laws in place against racing and contests:


For the purposes of section 172 of the Highway Traffic Act, “race” and “contest” include any activity where one or more persons engage in any of the following driving behaviours:


  1. Driving two or more motor vehicles at a rate of speed that is a marked departure from the lawful rate of speed and in a manner that indicates the drivers of the motor vehicles are engaged in a competition.
  2. Driving a motor vehicle in a manner that indicates an intention to chase another motor vehicle.
  3. Driving a motor vehicle without due care and attention, without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway or in a manner that may endanger any person by,
  • driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is a marked departure from the lawful rate of speed,
  • ooutdistancing or attempting to outdistance one or more other motor vehicles while driving at a rate of speed that is a marked departure from the lawful rate of speed, or
  • repeatedly changing lanes in close proximity to other vehicles so as to advance through the ordinary flow of traffic while driving at a rate of speed that is a marked departure from the lawful rate of speed.


Hiring a Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer


If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident that was the result of street racing, a Toronto personal injury lawyer will ensure that you receive financial compensation for the injuries and damages you sustained in the accident. Book a free consultation with a Toronto personal injury lawyer at Sokoloff today.

