
Ontario Personal Injury Lawyers

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Ontario Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal Injury Lawyers


If you have never had the opportunity to work with a personal injury lawyer, you may not know much about these legal professionals. Each area of law attracts different personalities, and personal injury law is no exception. A lawyer interested in business might choose contract law; a lawyer interested in civil rights might choose constitutional law, but personal injury lawyers are often “people-oriented.” These lawyers have an interest not only in the legal issues involved in the area of personal injury, but also in helping their clients get through what may be one of the most stressful periods of their lives. Personal injury lawyers are usually caring individuals who work tirelessly to get their clients the compensation that they deserve. Of course, if you have been seriously injured in an accident, or if a family member has been killed, no amount of money can ever make up for what has happened. But being financially secure can remove one stressor from your life and allow you to make changes that will help you to move forward. Personal injury lawyers understand that what you need in order to recover from your injuries is both peace of mind and time, and they work to help you get that.


Why Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?


Some injury victims turn to lawyers they know. This is understandable; in a difficult time you may want a familiar face, so reaching out to a lawyer friend or acquaintance to give you advice is only natural. Lawyers are not specialists; there is no reason why you can’t do this. However, only a legal professional who has experience with personal injury cases will have the skills necessary to get the best results for you. Personal injury lawyers not only know the law in this area, they also understand the way the insurance industry works, and how the medical system functions. An experienced personal injury lawyer has useful knowledge that a lawyer in a more general practice may not have. If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, a slip-and-fall, or other type of accident, you will most likely be eligible for insurance benefits, either in the short term or the long term. In certain circumstances, you may also choose to file a lawsuit. A personal injury lawyer can assess your situation, based on their experience, and advise you as to what your options are.

An initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Ontario is almost always free. That means that you can meet a lawyer at no cost whatsoever before deciding whether or not to work with them. You can tell them about your case and ask them about their training and experience, even if you’re not well enough to go to their office. Since personal injury lawyers are used to working with people recovering from their injuries, they understand; these legal professionals will often come to the hospital or rehabilitation centre to meet with clients.

Many times, injury victims are worried about being able to pay for legal advice. Fortunately, personal injury law firms usually work on a contingency basis, which means that their lawyers do not charge up-front hourly fees. Instead, personal injury lawyers will sign an agreement with you stipulating that they will receive a percentage of any damages you recover. (In other words, your lawyer won’t get paid until you do.) There are several ways in which this type of arrangement is of benefit to you:

  • A personal injury attorney will not take the time to pursue your case if there is no chance it will succeed.
  • You know that your lawyer will be working hard on your behalf to get the maximum amount of compensation available to you in a timely fashion.
  • Your household finances will not be strained in an attempt to pay lawyer’s hourly rates.


Choosing a Lawyer

There are some important considerations for you when deciding on a lawyer to work with:

  • First, make sure that the law firm you choose has a good track record and that the lawyer has successfully represented clients with cases similar to yours.
  • Next, choose a trial lawyer. While the majority of personal injury cases are settled out of court, you’ll want to make sure that your lawyer has the ability to take your case to trial if that should be necessary.
  • Finally, communication is the key to a good lawyer-client relationship. If you prefer to communicate in a language other than English or French, look for a multi-ethnic firm that offers services in your language. Ask your lawyer about their communication style: will you get a weekly update by email, for example? Can you call to ask questions at any time? Choose someone who has a communication style you’re comfortable with.

If you’ve been injured, contact a personal injury law firm today. Get the compensation you deserve.