
Tips for Filing Claims after a Car Accident

Take a deep breath. Gather yourself. If you’ve just experienced a car accident, everything can start to move in fast-motion, and, before you know it, you can end up making mistakes that will hurt your case and your claims. So relax, and follow these tips to make sure you manage this situation the right way.


Immediately after the Accident


There’s a lot to think about immediately following an accident, which is doubly unfortunate considering that you’re just about as far from an able and responsible state of mind as you’ll ever be. Stick to these tips at the scene of your auto accident:

  • If someone is injured, or damages exceed $1,000, call the police as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • Take notes, such as the other driver’s license plate, registration number, make and model, etc., and take pictures.
  • Collect names, addresses, and phone numbers of any witnesses, if they are willing to divulge this information.
  • DO NOT accept any money from the other driver, nor accept fault for the accident, regardless of the circumstances or of any pressure they put on you.

When Making Your Claim


Once the dust has settled and the scene is cleared, you need to proceed with filing claims after a car accident.

  • Report the accident to your insurer within 7 days.
  • If you were injured or totaled losses beyond $1,000, obtain a “proof of loss” form from your claims adjuster and submit it within 90 days.
  • If the damage to your vehicle is reparable, your insurer will provide a list of preferred auto shops. You are not required to use these shops, however the quote from the shop of your choice must be equal to or less than the quote from the preferred shops.

When filing claims after a car accident, look for aid from a top lawyer in Ontario. They’ll give you the experienced knowledge you need to maximize your compensation.

