
When Hit by a Car, Injuries and Compensation are Crucial

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When Hit by a Car, Injuries and Compensation are Crucial

If you’ve been hit by a car, injuries are surely the first thing on your mind. But, before long, the prospect of dealing with an insurance claim—and the headache that comes with all that—will be your only concern. When hit by a car, injuries and other damages become the provenance of claims adjusters and insurance companies. But just because that’s their field, you aren’t precluded from taking part in the process. Knowing the regulations on insurance in Canada is important if you want a fair claims process.


Insurance in Canada


Since its illegal to drive in Canada without insurance, most drivers on the road are insured. Of course, there are the motley few who take the risk of insurance-free driving, but the law is on your side in an accident with an uninsured driver. Otherwise, Canada runs on a no-fault system.


No-Fault Insurance


No-fault coverage means that every party involved in the motor vehicle accident will receive compensation, regardless of who’s responsible. While no-fault insurance is in place in all of Canada and provided as part of your car insurance policy, different provinces have different levels of no-fault insurance.


  • Pure No-fault
    • This means that fault is completely eliminated from the assessment of damages and compensation. For instance, if you are stopped at a red light and get rear-ended by the car behind you, both you (the innocent victim) and the person who caused the accident will be compensated through insurance, and neither party is allowed to file a lawsuit.


  • Threshold No-fault
    • In this system, both parties will be compensated and are not permitted to file suit after an accident up to a certain amount of damages. However, if the damages for either party exceed the specified monetary limit, that party gains the right to file a civil suit.


  • Limited No-fault
    • For limited no-fault, both parties are guaranteed certain benefits after an accident, regardless of fault, however, both parties retain the right to sue for additional compensation.


If you’re unsure of the rules of your policy, seek out a Toronto personal injury lawyer. Because, if you’ve been hit by a car, injuries and compensation should be your only focus.

