
Help with Wrongful Death to Ease the Burden of Victims

Losing a loved one is a devastating time in anyone’s life, especially for those who have lost someone because of the actions of someone else. Nearly every day an accident happens that could cause fatal injuries and the loss of a family member or friend. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, 24 percent of unintentional injury deaths in the country are caused by car accidents.
If you have lost someone due to the negligence of another party, a personal injury lawyer can help with your wrongful death claim.

What is Wrongful Death?

Wrongful death is a legal term that refers to a situation where a person is killed as a result of the negligent act of another person.  Wrongful death claims involve all types of fatal accidents from simple car accidents to complicated medical malpractice or product liability cases.
Persons, companies, and governmental agencies can be legally at fault for acting negligently – failing to act as a reasonable person would have acted and for acting intentionally.
To proceed with a wrongful death claim, the surviving family members must be able to establish:
  • the death was a result of the negligence or recklessness of another party, or deliberate – that the individual did not die due to actions of their own;
  • the negligent party has caused measurable damages, for example, the surviving spouse is now suffering from financial hardship because the deceased was the primary breadwinner.
There are many reasons why a person may be killed by a negligent party and a wrongful death lawsuit may be brought against:
  • a reckless driver;
  • a manufacturer of a defective product or medication;
  • an individual who served alcohol to an intoxicated driver.
The purpose of a wrongful death claim is to hold the person accountable who was responsible for the death of a loved one. If you have lost a family member or loved one, you may be entitled to compensation for their untimely death.

Who Can Sue for Wrongful Death?

A wrongful death claim can be filed by a representative on behalf of the survivors who suffer damage from the victim’s unintentional death. Most commonly, it should be a relative or beneficiary of the deceased who can file a wrongful death lawsuit, such as:
  • a spouse;
  • parents;
  • child/children of the deceased;
  • sibling(s).
Damages that can be recovered by the survivors’ in a wrongful death claim, include:
  • loss of guidance care and companionship that the deceased person would have provided to the surviving family members;
  • loss of financial support the deceased would have provided;
  • loss of service the deceased would have provided to family members, such as household and homemaking chores;
  • expenses associated with the funeral and burial of the deceased, as well as other out-of-pocket expenses.
Pain and suffering can also be recovered in the case of wrongful death. Similar to most types of legal claims, there is a time limit for which a person can file for wrongful death.

Help is Available

Family members of someone who has suddenly passed away deal with more than just the emotional trauma. Wrongful death cases are complex and an experienced lawyer is here to help you through your situation.
Many families of a sudden, unexpected death may not even know they have a claim. Help with wrongful death is available now.

Seek Out a Personal Injury Attorney For Help With Wrongful Death Benefits

Naturally, after the shock and heartache of losing a loved one suddenly, particularly under circumstances that could lead to a wrongful death suit, it can be tempting to withdraw from everything and to try to take some time in order to recover as individuals and a family in the wake of such a serious loss. However, as mentioned above, many claims, including ones covering the wrongful death of a family member, are subject to deadlines and time limits, beyond which claims are exceedingly unlikely to be successful. It may seem callous or improper to seek out a personal injury attorney for help with wrongful death benefits details, but the reality is that the risks of suffering under whatever financial burdens may be on the horizon after this tragedy are too great to let simmer on the back burner. Whether it’s compensation for pain and suffering or recovering from the pecuniary strain of losing a primary breadwinner in the family, your needs will be the highest priority of the personal injury lawyer assigned to your case. There is no shame whatsoever in taking care of yourself and the future needs of your family, so getting in touch with someone who can help you out and advocate on your behalf should be a step taken sooner rather than later.