
Back Injury Attorneys Can Help After an Accident

Back injury attorneys can help you deal with the aftermath of an accident, or a slip-and-fall incident, by fighting to recover your lost wages, medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and other related costs.

How Back Injury Attorneys Can Help You

If you’ve sustained a back injury, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common injuries among working-age people. According to a 2009/2010 study by Statistics Canada, 16% of activity-limiting injuries among people in that age category were lower-back injuries. Eleven percent of injuries to seniors and 5% of injuries to adolescents were also lower-back injuries. Given that the Canadian Bar Association figures predict that three out of every ten workers aged between 25 and 65 can expect to have an accident or illness that keeps them from working for three or more months, a back injury can take a serious hunk out of your finances. The lost wages can cause stress and financial hardship, doubly so if a loved one needs to take time from work to help care for you.
Back injury attorneys can help lower your stress while you deal with your injury. Your lawyer can take care of gathering details about the circumstances of your injury, fill out forms, talk to insurance companies, and submit paperwork before the deadlines hit. In some cases, the deadline for filing a claim can be as little as ten days after an accident.

Right After an Accident

It doesn’t matter if it’s a car accident, slip and fall, or a work-related injury, you should go to your family doctor. If it’s an emergency, go straight to the nearest hospital emergency room. Back injuries can be painful, and you could even make the injury worse by trying to move around. Call an ambulance if you can’t move. Even if you feel fine or just have a small ache, it’s worth visiting the doctor. Some soft tissue injuries, like whiplash, may not appear right away.
It’s also important to remember that you’re under no obligation to speak to the insurance adjuster for the at-fault person’s insurance company. In fact, it’s best to consult with back injury attorneys before you even consider it. An insurance adjuster has years of experience dealing with cases like yours and is looking for a way to minimize the cost for their company. Anything you say will go into your file and may be used against your claim at a later date. Your personal injury lawyer can answer the insurance company’s questions for you. You can rest assured knowing that your case is in good hands, and focus on your recovery.
Sometimes after an accident, it’s easier to relay the details in your own language. Large law firms can provide access to lawyers that are more likely to speak your language. For example, Sokoloff law firm offers their services in over 30 languages at the office.
After an accident, you want to remain focused on rehabilitation and take care of your back so it heals properly. Back injury attorneys can take care of the legal paperwork and help guide you through the claim process.