
Car Accident Injuries Owe You Compensation

Car Accident Injuries Owe You Compensation

A Car Accident Injury Will Alter Your Life Forever


Car accident injuries are an increasingly common trend, rising exponentially with the advances in mobile technology, which has resulted in the inevitable practice of texting or talking on the phone while driving. According to Transport Canada, there were more than 10,000 serious vehicle injuries in the country in 2011, and unfortunately more than 2,000 fatalities. That number means that, in Canada, approximately one in every 2,750 drivers will experience serious car accident injuries during the course of their driving lifetime.


Not all injuries sustained are as severe as those mentioned above. An even higher number of people will sustain some smaller type of brain or head injury. In such cases, compensation is of paramount importance when it comes to helping you rebuild your life. Even a small direct bump to the head can cause lasting issues concerning motor skills, thinking and reasoning, and unusual personality traits.


Benefits and Claims


Anyone involved in a motor vehicle accident, as well as their dependants, can file a claim for compensation through the Ontario Insurance Act. The province subscribes to the practice of "no-fault” insurance, which means that it is your own insurance company that will foot the bill regardless of who caused the accident. Fault, and even charges, are usually still applied since at least one of the insurance companies will want to raise a driver’s rate depending on who caused the accident.


The Income Insurance Benefit is designed to allow victims of an injury to continue receiving an income while they are recovering from their injuries. Often, severe car accident injuries can keep you away from work for several weeks or longer, and while your workplace might understand the absence, your debtors will not be so willing to easily excuse delayed payments for your day to day living expenses. The severity of your injuries will determine the amount the benefit pays and the length of time you are eligible to receive it.


A Non-Earner benefit is available for those who are unable to return to work and can indefinitely cover living expenses for you and your family until your death. In addition, there are many other benefits such as those for physical therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, psychiatric therapy and many more. Because the insurance business is a complicated and multi-faceted system, it is imperative to have a professional legal representative with extensive experience in car accident injuries in order to attain the highest level of funding available.


Car accident injuries cause problems for more people than just the individual who has sustained physical harm. Families can be burdened with taking care of loved ones and also share in the discomfort and distress that comes with a long recovery. Benefits for a reduction in the quality or quantity of life may also be available to help you regain some semblance of normalcy as well as provide compensation to your family. Be sure to speak with a reputable car accident injuries attorney as soon as possible. Although they cannot restore your vitality, they can guarantee that you will have the financial resources you need available to you to recover as much as possible from your accident.