
Hire a Car In jury Lawyer Immediate After an Accident!

Pursuing an Accident Claim? You Need a Car Injury Lawyer


After an Accident – The Steps You Should Take

It is one of the harsh realities of life – you’ve been hurt in a vehicle accident and must enlist the services of a car injury lawyer. Unfortunately, the legal process does not stand still. There are steps that must be taken quickly in order to ensure that you will ultimately be compensated for the personal injuries you have suffered.
Obviously, the first thing you should do after an accident is seek medical attention. Any and all of your injuries should be documented and treated professionally. Remember also that some injuries – like whiplash or head injuries – do not always manifest themselves immediately. You may be feeling fine in the aftermath of the accident and begin to suffer later.
In addition to exchanging insurance information with the other party, you must ensure that an accident report is submitted to the police, within a day if possible. Another important deadline is contacting your insurance provider. If you are considering launching a benefits claim, you must be in contact with your insurance company within a week of the accident.
Then there is the question of a personal injury lawyer. Many of us recoil at the thought of the expense and hassle of litigation. However, this is a situation that cannot be handled on your own. There are timelines that must be followed, both with your claim under Ontario’s no-fault insurance laws and in the case that you have to pursue further action against the other party. An experienced lawyer knows all the limitation periods in making a claim – and all of the benefits to which you are entitled.

The Types of Injuries Covered

It is important to seek professional help. Personal injury law is like any other legal field – complicated. Just as this is not a place for an amateur, neither is it advisable to pursue your claim with a general practitioner. Go with a pro.


To give an indication of the scope of personal injury law, check out the personal injury law firm website. In the case of motor vehicle accidents – which can include everything from being in a two-car crash to being hit while on your bicycle – there are accident benefits that can be claimed under the Ontario Insurance Act, as well as tort claims if there is negligence by other parties. There are catastrophic injuries – which include brain and spinal cord damage, which can bring awards of up to $1 million. Additionally, there are claims that can be made as the result of psychiatric and post-traumatic stress. Long-term disability calculations are complex but essential.


Who to Hire


You need an experienced personal injury lawyer who is prepared to negotiate on your behalf, even if that involves going to trial. The issue of fees is also important. There should be no charge for an initial consultation. The lawyer should be prepared to take your case on a contingency basis – that is, take the fee as a percentage of a successful settlement. There should be no upfront charges, or expenses along the way.  And finally, articulating your wishes is very important, as describing the injuries you have suffered can be difficult in the wake of an accident. Find a car injury lawyer who speaks your language. 

When Should You Contact a Car Injury Lawyer?

It is typically a good idea to obtain legal advice from a car injury lawyer with experience in personal injury claims as soon as possible after the personal injury incident occurs. There are many laws in existence regarding time limits you need to be aware of if you plan on filing a claim. In some cases, you must send a notice letter within a few days of the accident. Claims for certain accident benefits must be made within 7 days of the accident. By contacting a personal injury lawyer as soon as you possibly can, you can remain within your legal time limits for filing a claim and not miss out on the compensation you deserve. A personal injury lawyer can arm you with knowledge with respect to claim limitation periods and advise you on the compensation you are entitled to if you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit.


If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, you need a car injury lawyer who will go over and above the call of duty. The friendly and attentive staff at Sokoloff Lawyers offer service in over 30 different languages at the office with 24/7 telephone access to the legal staff. If you cannot get to their office, a member of Sokoloff Lawyers will get to you.