
Have You Been Involved in a Toronto Car Accident? Consult a Lawyer in Order to Better Understand Your Rights

Have You Been Involved in a Toronto Car Accident? Consult a Lawyer in Order to Better Understand Your Rights

Many individuals think that the first step after seeking any necessary medical attention is to contact their automobile insurance provider. Insurers require written notice of a claim within seven days of the accident. However, what may be a more cautious and careful route to take is to speak with a Toronto personal injury lawyer before contacting the insurer. A reputable and experienced personal injury lawyer will work on contingency and is paid when a settlement is executed.

"No-Fault” Insurance

Ontario has what is called  "no-fault” vehicle insurance. People assume that the term indicates that no one is ever to blame when a collision occurs. What "no-fault” actually means is that if a driver is involved in an accident and has premiums paid to date, he/she has rights to benefits for income replacement, medical, and even funeral costs, as outlined by the Ontario Insurance Act.
One may ask, if there are standard benefits, why consult a lawyer? The reason is simple: unless the accident victim is already well versed in insurance policies, he/she may not be aware of all the benefits available. Once an insurer sends the victim the forms that are to be filled out, the victim only has 30 days to return the paperwork. So, if a potential benefit is unwittingly omitted, a subsequent application could be denied. And, if the accident results in a catastrophic injury, standard benefits will likely be insufficient for long-term disability. This is a situation that should not be handled by a layperson.

The Accident Victim Is Partly or Wholly At-Fault

The Ontario Insurance Act very clearly defines the type of vehicle accidents that take place and determines whether zero, partial, or full blame is to go to Vehicle A or Vehicle B (or to more vehicles, if that be the case). A driver who is determined to be partly or wholly at-fault might not be aware that as long as an insurance policy is active, the at-fault driver still has rightful claims to benefits. Regardless of how the accident happened or who caused it, one is entitled to accident benefits, depending on the type of injuries.

The Other Driver Is Uninsured or Leaves the Scene

It is estimated that 2,000 at-fault uninsured drivers cause accidents each year on Ontario roads. Many times, they try to avoid police charges by fleeing the scene of the accident, hence the phrase "hit and run”. The person who remains on the scene, having sustained injuries and/or vehicle damage, is left trying to figure out who can be made to pay reparations.
With a personal injury lawyer’s guidance, the accident victim can make a claim to his/her own insurer. In some cases, pursuing a claim through the Financial Services Commission of Ontario’s Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund may also be possible.

Invaluable Expertise

Insurance legislation and policies are complicated to read and it is just as complicated to submit an application. Think of a personal injury lawyer as a "car accident lawyer”. Like a good voice navigational system to steer safely through Toronto roads, a "car accident lawyer” comprehensively navigates the ins and outs of compensation.

Angry Driving in Canada and How it Leads to the Hiring of an Automobile Accident Lawyer

By cjp

Angry drivers can be a danger on the road and cause bad driving decisions that lead to an accident. Many drivers are stressed during highly congested hours of the day and an automobile accident lawyer helps to manage the results of angry drivers causing a collision.


Traffic congestion is an essential factor of stressed or angry driving. Studies have shown that 18.6% of drivers in Canada exhibit increased stress compared to people driving in less congested areas. 29% of Torontonians are caught in traffic jams every day, emphasizing the prevalence of stressed driving in the area.


Road Rage Statistics


8 out of 10 Canadian drivers admit to exhibiting road rage behaviours, most commonly in the form of speeding, swearing at other people in vehicles, and use of inappropriate gestures. 60% of people driving admitted to speeding out of road rage, and 40% of respondents blamed traffic for their frustration.


Men are more likely to demonstrate road rage than women, with 83% of men showing behaviours of angry driving as opposed to 72% of women. Drivers aged 18-24 have a tendency to exhibit stressed driving, with 29% of people aged 18-24 admitting to driving too closely to another vehicle, as compared to 18% of drivers aged 55 and older. The most common drivers displaying dangerous road rage are young males, and they may find themselves needing an automobile accident lawyer due to their choice of behaviour.


Road rage can lead to an accident, and it often puts the person who exhibited these behaviours at fault. An automobile accident lawyer will help to assess the environmental factors at the time of an accident, yet road rage is never an appropriate response while operating a vehicle.


