
Attendant Care and Accident Benefits In Ontario

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Has your life been profoundly impacted by the result of a motor vehicle accident? Injuries come in all shapes and sizes, and depending on the severity of your injury, you may qualify for certain forms of accident benefits in Ontario. Accident benefits provide assistance for those who have experienced changes in ability and lifestyle that require compensation or assistance. Hiring a Toronto personal injury lawyer is your first step in understanding your options and getting the benefits that are rightfully yours upon accident.


How do I know I am eligible for benefits?


If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, or any other form of accident that can result in substantial injuries, make sure that you are fully aware of the benefits available to you and your loved ones. There are special regulations which govern your opportunity to receive benefits, and which insurance policies/providers you must go through. That is why hiring a personal injury lawyer is the best opportunity to get what you deserve following an accident.


What are attendant care benefits?


Accidents can vary in severity; while some accidents can be fatal, many accidents leave victims with some form of injury (however severe). When injuries get in the way of your quality of life and your ability to perform everyday tasks, you may qualify for attendant care benefits. These benefits exist to help people who have trouble performing tasks, such as:


  • Bathing
  • Getting dressed
  • Using the washroom
  • Grooming
  • Hygiene
  • Transportation


Benefits of this nature are meant to help people who have had their lives profoundly changed, so much so that their injuries have shackled their performance of everyday tasks. Based upon the severity of one’s injuries, and the level of care they demand, benefits will also vary. Non-minor injuries can receive up to $3,000 per month, while catastrophic injuries can result in $6,000 per month. It will all depend on the types of injuries incurred, an evaluation typically carried out through an official report with a Registered Nurse (RN) or an Occupational Therapist (OT).


What kind of professional services constitute attendant care?


There are two major forms of attendant care that may be provided for injuries, depending on how catastrophic they may be:


  • In-home Care: In-home care is the process by which an attendant visits you in your home to provide care.


  • Long-term Care: If your injury is severe, you may qualify for benefits that subsidize living in a long-term care facility to recover from your injuries.


How do I apply for these benefits?


The sooner, the better. It is best to report your injuries as soon as you can after an accident, as insurance providers typically require seven days to report an injury caused by accident. The best thing you can do is recruit a personal injury lawyer to help you with your case to ensure that you are taken care of and that you retain a standard of living after an injury.


Contact Sokoloff today for a free consultation with one of our legal professionals to assess your options in the event of injury.

