
Family Support with a Personal Injury Lawyer

Family Support with a Personal Injury Lawyer

Serious personal injuries leave people reeling. But calling these injuries “personal” underestimates the extent of a debilitating accident’s impact. While, of course, the person most hurt by an injury is the victim himself, a serious head injury ripples throughout families and communities as well. A Toronto personal injury lawyer with experience in handling brain injury cases can connect your family with the support you need.


Family Support after a Traumatic Brain Injury


There are multiple avenues for family support after a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). These include treatment for the injured person, support directed at the family and people closest to the injured, and legal and financial aid through a personal injury lawyer.


  • Neuropsychology
    • A neuropsychologist works with patients and their families to understand the psychological impact of the TBI.
    • Having assessed a patient’s cognitive, emotional, social, and behavioural changes after their injury, a neuropsychologist can then recommend strategies for easy reintegration into the community.
  • Social Work
    • Social workers can provide counseling to patients and their families; connect them to resources in the community (e.g. support groups, etc.); and collaborate and provide advice on treatment plans, distribution of caregiving, and general familial well-being.
  • Advocacy
    • There are several non-profit organizations in place to help advocate for those suffering from TBIs, including the Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured (ARBI).


On top of these options, a Toronto personal injury lawyer can provide you and your family with reliable information and assistance, ensuring that you receive the financial and legal representation you need when your loved one is injured.

