
How a Brain Injury Lawyer in Ajax Can Help Your Family

By Mark
How a Brain Injury Lawyer in Ajax Can Help Your Family

Get Help From a Brain Injury Lawyer in Ajax


By their very nature, a brain injury to yourself or your loved one can be a bewildering experience. Yet, after a brain injury, legal and financial responsibilities can pile up quickly, only adding to your bewilderment. An Ajax brain injury lawyer can share these burdens, allowing you to take a deep breath and focus on recovery.


What We Can Learn from Brain Injuries in the Military


On the battlefield, soldiers are sometimes subjected to concussive blasts. The U.S. Department of Defense estimates that between 2001 and 2014 approximately 230,000 soldiers suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), with the highest percentage of those coming from soldiers dealing directly with explosives. Meanwhile, a Canadian National Defense study found that Canadian soldiers experienced nearly three times the rate of TBIs when compared to Americans. Diffusion tensor imaging of these soldiers has revealed that brain injuries fundamentally alter neuroplasticity, resulting in a wide array of short- and long-term symptoms. Using this knowledge, we can improve our response to brain injuries, both from a medical and a legal perspective.


How Brain Injuries Can Impact Your Life


Knowing the impact of TBIs on the brain, it is apparent that injuries sustained can have lasting physical impacts. As with all chronic medical issues, these tend to seep past the purely physical to impact people’s social and financial lives. During the course of recovery, brain injury victims may need extended hospitalization, homecare, renovations for disabilities, and more. Their needs may extend to impact family members and friends, causing them to take time off work to aid the victim.


Let Ajax Brain Injury Lawyers Shoulder the Burden


Rather than these financial factors putting even more stress on you and your family, brain injury lawyers in the Ajax area are ready to take on these burdens and let you commit yourself to recovery. Brain injury lawyers can file your claim paperwork on time, deal with at-fault insurers, assure appropriate damage payments, and give you peace of mind.

