
How to Secure Head Injury Compensation

For millennia, philosophers and scientists have pondered the depths of the brain. From Aristotle to Descartes and Hippocrates to Freud, some of humanity’s best minds have been dedicated to this meta-understanding. Considering the latent complexities of the brain, it’s no surprise that serious head injuries are at their worst when the brain is affected, and, furthermore, that types of head injuries are so diffuse. If you’ve been injured and are looking for head injury compensation, it’s in your best interest to know the kinds of injuries you might be dealing with.


Types of Head Injuries


Any injury to the brain is no trifle, but brain injuries come in several different forms that vary in severity. If you want head injury compensation, you’ll need to know how you’re afflicted. There are two broad categories for brain injuries: traumatic brain injuries, or those that result from an acute impact, and acquired brain injuries, which result from the conditions surrounding the brain.


  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
    • Contusions are bruises or bleeding in the brain brought about by direct impact to the head by a blunt object.
    • Similar to contusions, coup-contrecoups also result from direct impact by a blunt object, but are more severe because the brain ricochets off the scull, impacting both the front and the back.
    • A diffuse axonal brain injury comes from rigorous and aggressive shaking of the head, like in the case of shaking a young child. These can also come from car accidents or other high-speed injuries.


  • Acquired Brain Injuries
    • Anoxia occurs when the brain receives no oxygen. It can be the result of partial drowning or asphyxiation (i.e. lack of oxygen intake to the lungs) or blood that doesn’t carry oxygen (i.e. no oxygen delivered to the brain).
    • Hypoxia, like anoxia, relates to the brains oxygen intake, and is the result of the brain receiving too little oxygen (rather than none at all). Hypoxia may be caused by neurological disorders like encephalitis or a stroke.


Regardless of the type of brain injury you or a loved one has incurred, an experienced law firm can get you head injury compensation.

