
Maximize Your Auto Accident Settlement with a Personal Injury Lawyer

Understanding Auto Accident Settlements

If you have been involved in an auto accident, there is a good chance that you will qualify for an auto accident settlement.  This is true even if you are deemed to be at fault for the accident.
It is always advisable to consult a reputable personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after an accident to discuss the situation and to see if you are eligible to submit a claim for an auto accident settlement. A reputable and respected personal injury law firm will have lawyers with many years of experience dealing with every kind of auto accident settlement. The top personal injury lawyers will provide a free consultation to accident victims in order to discuss the situation and advise of any actions that are available.
In Ontario, there are two options for pursuing an auto accident settlement. These options are:
  • Accident Benefits (as a result of no-fault insurance)
  • Tort Claims
In the event that either of these options is pursued, time is an important factor. There are time limits in place that restrict the amount of time you have to file a tort claim after being injured in an accident. If you have been injured, you should seek medical attention and consult with a personal injury lawyer as soon as you feel well enough to do so.

Accident Benefit Claims

Ontario has laws governing no-fault insurance. This means that the initial auto accident settlement will be negotiated with your own insurance company regardless of who caused the accident. A claim for accident benefits must be submitted to your insurance company for the following benefits to be given:
  • Income replacement or non-earner benefits
  • Caregiver benefits
  • Medical expenses and any rehabilitation costs
  • Any housekeeping expenses or home maintenance costs
  • Death and funeral expenses in the case of a fatality
  • Other expenses such as travel
The insurance company will send an insurance adjuster to determine the extent of the accident and the injuries that have been sustained. You should never speak to an insurance adjuster without first consulting with a personal injury lawyer and becoming familiar with your rights.

Tort Claims

A tort claim is legal action against a negligent driver for the purpose of recovering damages over and above those covered by accident benefits. Tort claim settlements often include compensation for pain and suffering, as well as lost wages (both future and past) for injuries that prevent you from working.
A tort claim is usually settled in a timely manner outside of court, but in some instances, it may be necessary to take the case to court. It is important that you choose an auto accident injury lawyer with a proven history of successful settlement negotiation as well as a solid track record in court. A law firm that is a member of a respected legal organization such as the Toronto Lawyers Association or the Canadian Bar Association is a good place to start.
There are a large number of personal injury lawyers who provide legal services in Toronto. You should choose a lawyer who is professional, empathetic and experienced. Get a second opinion if you have consulted a lawyer already and you are uncomfortable for any reason.

Speak to a reputable personal injury lawyer and begin the process of successfully negotiating your auto accident settlement today. 

Improving Your Chances of a Successful Personal Injury Settlement

By Nola

In order to ensure that your settlement is successful, a lawyer would generally advise you to handle talking about your accident in a specific way. This process begins at the scene of your accident. Firstly, be careful about how much you talk about the events! Do not talk about your story to anyone except for the police, and then your lawyer, if possible, and then your insurance provider. By recounting events to unnecessary others, your perception of the events can be coloured by their input, which can, and often will, make your story inconsistent across retellings.


Additionally, you should get a proper examination by a medical professional as soon as possible. While it can be hard to schedule an appointment while also in the midst of handling legal proceedings (assuming you are not hospitalised), it is important to know the extent of your injuries as soon as possible. What’s more, if you do not seek medical attention as soon as possible, it can make it seem as though you were not actually injured and can hurt your case. By being diligent and speaking to personal injury lawyers, doctors and your insurance as soon as possible, you will have already helped your case along by showing that you are being serious about your settlement and about the damages incurred.