
How to Manage a Sports-Related Injury

Exercising on a regular basis is fundamental to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, sports-related injuries could easily occur for various reasons. Age, fitness level, and level of activity all play a key role in determining if you are at risk of experiencing an injury. The older you are, the more risks there are in exercising and applying stress to your body. However, it is not uncommon for the young to also experience sports-related ailments. In order to best avoid a sports-related injury, it is recommended that preparation be taken seriously before engaging in strenuous activity. Becoming acutely aware of correct steps to take if you should encounter such an injury is encouraged in order to reduce potential damage to your body.

Before a Sports Injury

The best way to prevent an injury from happening in the first place is to adequately prepare. Most accidents happen due to poor training, and incorrect equipment. Ensure all necessary sports equipment is well fitted and fully functioning. This could mean proper safety padding and hardware, or could be as simple as having the right clothing and footwear. With high-impact sports, the risk of injury increases; therefore special attention must be paid when becoming involved in these types of sports. The most simple, and unfortunately most under-practiced method of sports-related injury prevention, is stretching before and after an activity.

When a Sports-Related Injury Occurs

If ever pain or discomfort is experienced while exercising, it is important to remember to stop immediately. If pain is minimal and can be described as a slight discomfort, it can usually be treated using the RICE method. This acronym is designed to help you remember four steps to take immediately after a minor injury has occurred, to promote pain relief and a speedy healing process.
  • Rest: You must stop all activity and give your body relief from stress.
  • Ice: Applying ice to the injured area will help minimize any swelling.
  • Compression: Apply pressure to the injured area to limit the swelling.
  • Elevate: Raise the injured area and keep immobile.
If the injury is serious, or pain does not subside soon after the accident, immediately consult your doctor. By straining muscles and joints after an injury has occurred, you are making it exceedingly more difficult for your body to repair itself, and make a full recovery.

After a Sports Injury

After the body has healed from a serious sports injury, there is often residual pain or discomfort. There might also be weakness in the healed areas. This means you must use caution when exercising and applying stress to a previously-injured area. Additionally, there is the possibility that your injury was the result of someone else’s mistake. In this case it is a good idea to contact a lawyer and acquire some knowledge and guidance about your particular situation.
Sports-related injuries have a wide range of severity and treatment options. The best way to protect yourself is to prepare, plan, and prevent, before engaging in any physical activity. Exercising is great for your health, but only when accomplished safely.

Taking Care Of Yourself When a Sports Injury Occurs

Taking Care Of Yourself When a Sports Injury Occurs