
Tips to Follow after a Car Accident Occurs and Hiring an Auto Accident Injury Lawyer

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After a car accident occurs, some people make key mistakes that end up affecting their insurance premiums negatively. In the aftermath, many people begin to react rather than think logically about the situation. That’s why it’s important to know what to say and what not to say before you are involved in a crash. Canadian Living has the best tips to follow after being involved in a motor vehicle accident, protecting you from making an error you’ll regret in the future. Here are a few of the tops tips to be aware of:


  1. Report the Accident and Hire an Auto Accident Lawyer

    Every province has a different regulation when it comes to reporting an accident, and how long you should wait to do so. In Ontario, you have to contact your insurance company within a seven-day period, and, if you don’t, your claim will not be honoured. An auto accident lawyer knows the rules and regulations in your province, ensuring that you file your claims correctly.


  2. Avoid saying “Sorry”

    Unlike Justin Bieber’s song, it’s not “too late to say sorry;” it’s too early. After a motor vehicle accident occurs, it is not your duty to determine if you are at-fault in the crash. Avoid apologizing, because it is the insurer’s job to determine the at-fault driver. You will put yourself in a situation that you don’t want to be in if you’ve apologized, but the accident is not your fault.


  3. Speak the Truth

By embellishing or elaborating details to your insurance company, you might be denied your claim, or even future coverage. The insurance company needs to know exactly what happened—so don’t withhold any information from them. If you lie, you are at risk of insurance fraud, and may even serve time for your offense.


These are a few tips that will prevent you from saying and doing the wrong things after a car accident occurs. For more information on the subject, or to book a free consultation, contact an auto accident lawyer or Toronto personal injury lawyer at Sokoloff today.



