
Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident in Toronto!

Hire a Lawyer if You Have Sustained a Personal Injury in a Car Accident in Toronto


Brain Injuries and the Law

Brain injuries are common. There are many causes of catastrophic brain injury, the most common of which is a car accident. Other causes include slips and falls, contact during sports, or a blow to the head during a violent incident. In fact, one estimate from the Brain Injury Association of Canada reports that Canadians suffer over 200,000 brain injuries annually. New cases are more common than breast cancer, HIV / AIDS, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis combined. Traumatic brain injuries – ones with long term effects – can affect more than 50,000 people per year. Brain injuries can be catastrophic. Damage can be mild to severe and range from cognitive difficulties and personality changes to physical disabilities. Inevitably, there is a cost in day-to-day functioning. Furthermore, the complexity of the brain makes it slow to heal and an injury difficult to treat. The financial implications are often more than a caregiver or family can handle.

First Things First – Hire a Lawyer

If you have been in a car accident and suffered any type of injury, there is one imperative: get a lawyer. Whether you end up pursuing a claim for the compensation outlined in the Ontario Insurance Act or via a negligence suit – or both – the clock begins ticking at the time of discovery of the injury. For example, if you are applying for benefits under The Insurance Act, you must tell your own insurer of your wish to do so within seven days of your car accident.
Negligence claims – depending on the cause of the injury – can vary quite dramatically. A lawyer will ensure that you meet the filing deadlines.
Benefits under the Ontario Insurance Act are numerous, and an experienced lawyer will help you get the maximum amount to which you are entitled. There is an Income Replacement Benefit, Medical and Rehabilitation Benefits – even benefits for educational expenses.
If the injuries fall within the definition of "catastrophic impairment” ­– and brain injuries are often classified thus – the benefits rise dramatically. This reflects the severity of brain injuries on your ability to function effectively.
If your lawyer believes that negligence on the part of the other party in the accident can be proved, then a tort case can be pursued.
But in every case, you need a lawyer.

How to Find a Good Personal Injury Lawyer

The internet and yellow pages are full of advertisements for law firms. This can be bewildering.
Find a lawyer experienced in personal injury claims. It is a complex field and the lawyer who did such a great job on your home purchase is not going to be the best one in making your car accident claim.
How does the lawyer expect to be paid? You may already be out of pocket due to the injury, so find a firm that operates on a contingency basis, which means that they will take their negotiated fee as a percentage of the final settlement. Find a lawyer who speaks your language – it is imperative that you be able to describe, in your native tongue, your injuries and the effects your car accident in Toronto has had on your life.
A good lawyer can win you peace of mind – and the benefits to which you are entitled. 

What if you Are a Victim of a Hit-and-Run Accident?

By Nola
What if you Are a Victim of a Hit-and-Run Accident?

An added complication with car accidents in Toronto is a personal injury caused by a hit-and-run accident. If you are faced with a challenging time after an accident, you need a personal injury lawyer who can get clients the benefits they deserve after hit-and-run car accidents in Toronto.


If you have been the victim of a hit-and-run accident where the driver who hit you left the scene of the accident, you may be left in shock and in serious physical pain. Once you have your medical needs attended to, it is very important to write down what you can remember about the accident. Jot down the colour of the vehicle and any identifying features, the location of the accident, and names and addresses of any witnesses, if that information is available.


At Sokoloff Lawyers, the team of experienced lawyers are committed to helping the victims of hit-and-run accidents. The team of lawyers understands the added challenges when victims do not have information about the negligent driver and will work with you to gather as much information as possible. At Sokoloff Lawyers, immediate action is taken to initiate the investigation process. All available resources are utilized in pursuing your case. All your legal options will be exhausted, including pursuing Accident Benefits and a tort claim if applicable. 

Compensation for Catastrophic Brain Injuries

By Flux

If your personal injury treatments are not covered by OHIP, you may be able to receive Statutory Accident Benefits from you insurance company. Accident benefits will pay for treatments or care designed to help you reduce the effects of your disability.


If you have suffered serious personal injury in a car accident in Toronto, you may have the option to file a tort claim for catastrophic brain injuries. With a tort claim, the victim can opt to claim damages by filing a lawsuit. If you have suffered catastrophic brain injuries, you or a loved one can claim damages for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life and loss of amenities, past and future loss of income, loss of household and handyperson capacity and future cost of care if your injury meets the verbal threshold requirement. The verbal threshold requires that the injury causes permanent and serious impairment of an important physical, mental or psychological function.

Every personal lawsuit is unique. Personal injury claims are intended to get you a full measure of compensation for your injury. Your personal injury lawyer will ensure that you are being compensated for your catastrophic injury in a way that is similar to the way in which other individuals who have had the same injury as you are compensated.