
Help with Disability Claims to Protect your Rights

If you have sustained an injury that has affected your ability to work, all you want to do is focus on getting better. If your insurance company is failing to support you in your time of need, they have breached their contractual obligations to you. Help with disability claims is available from skilled personal injury lawyers that make it their goal to ease your financial burden and bring the insurance company to justice.

Types of Disability Claims

There are two types of disability claims: short term and long term disability.
Short term disability claims (STD) is a type of insurance that pays a percentage of an employee’s salary for a specified amount of time, if they are ill or injured and cannot work.
Long term disability (LTD) benefits are designed to help you maintain financial stability if you are unable to work because of a debilitating injury or extended illness. Making a claim may seem straightforward, but if your claim is denied or your insurance policy is terminated by your employer, you want a strong advocate to help you with your disability claim.
Unfortunately, often when an individual is most vulnerable, insurance companies deny these benefits despite medical evidence proving an inability to work. Insurance policies that cover disability losses are not all the same and each policy must be reviewed carefully to determine the eligibility criteria for disability benefits. A disability lawyer can help with your disability claim and significantly increase your chances of receiving the benefits you are entitled to.

Denial of a Claim

If your claim has been denied, you have very little time to respond and it is important that you act quickly after a denial. However, this process can be complicated. The insurance companies will attempt to deter you from filing an appeal by making the process seem impossible.
Companies may attempt to take advantage of you by delaying your payments or denying your claim either in part or in full.
To make matters worse, insurance companies will ask for additional information, visit you often without announcement and demand an additional medical examination by a doctor of their choice in attempt to make you give up on your claim.

Toronto Disability Lawyers to the Rescue

In Ontario, there are three main ways to receive disability benefits:
If your employer does not offer short and long term disability packages, you may qualify for government- disability plans. In all cases, in order to qualify for benefits, you must satisfy the stated criteria in the policy of the insurance or under the applicable statute.
An experienced disability lawyer can significantly increase your chances of receiving disability benefits in the event you are unable to work. Sokoloff Lawyers in Toronto are specifically trained to review and interpret disability policies of insurance and trained in the proper process of advancing a disability benefits application.
Direct your energy towards healing and let Sokoloff Lawyers help you with disability claims. 

Severe Injuries Suffered During a Motor Vehicle Collision

For many people who haven’t suffered severe accidental injury, the notion of consulting a personal injury lawyer for help with disability claims seems foreign, if not downright unappealing. Pop culture has painted a negative picture of personal injury attorneys, and casts anyone filing an accident benefits claim as being simply money-hungry and looking to “cash in” on a recent accident or incident. The truth is, though, that severe injuries suffered during a motor vehicle collision or workplace accident can have a profound financial impact on not just the victim, but often their families as well. Consider all the extra expenses of having someone looking after you day in, day out. How much more will you have to spend to keep your home and property in decent shape without being able to tackle the odd jobs around the house yourself? That’s not even to mention mounting medical bills and other extra costs. Now, add on the fact that you may be unable to work and earn any income at all for the foreseeable future, and you have the makings of an extremely dire financial situation. At a time when your rest and recuperation are the main things that offer the best chance of recovering and getting your quality of life back, pressing financial stress is not something you want to be dealing with.