
Rising Accident Rate Increases Need for Insurance Claim Lawyers

Rising Accident Rate Increases Need for Insurance Claim Lawyers
Personal Injuries Increase in Toronto

Toronto’s roads are congested. The rapid growth of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), as well as condominium development in the downtown core has made the city a wonderful, lively place to live and work. But it has also brought an increase in accidents involving vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians. In the midst of this traffic chaos, the insurance claim lawyer is working to ensure accident victims are justly compensated for their injuries.


Hiring a lawyer is not immediately on the mind of an injured party – getting medical help is obviously the first priority. However, the disruption that an accident can cause in one’s life – emotionally and financially – means that receiving appropriate accident benefits could quickly become a priority. Because of that, and the various limitation periods for bringing forward claims, accident victims should engage the services of a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.


Benefits Available

In addition to tort liability in the case of negligence, there are a variety of benefits available to accident victims in Ontario under the Ontario Insurance Act. These benefits are basic but universal – if you know how to access them and the kinds of benefits to which you are entitled.


Accessing them to their fullest extent is something that an experienced lawyer can do.


A personal injuries lawyer will also ensure you meet the various time limitation periods. They arise quickly in accident settlement cases – the insurance company must be informed within a week of a pending action.


A lawyer will also help to determine which insurance company is liable for paying your benefits, filling out the forms; pressing the insurer to settle and pay out quickly; and determine if there should be further legal action over and above the benefits bestowed by the Insurance Act. If a tort case is feasible, the lawyer will collect witness and police reports, initiate proceedings, and then pursue your claim through the courts or (more likely) to a negotiated settlement.


Most commonly, however, the lawyer will be ensuring your quick access to standard benefits under the Ontario Insurance Act. These include:

  • Limited income replacement
  • A benefit if you are not able to carry out normal activities and require assistance
  • Limited coverage of attendant care
  • Medical benefits, including rehabilitation benefits
  • Funeral and death benefits

Also important is the enhanced coverage available if it is determined that the injuries sustained fall under the heading of "catastrophic impairment”.  This is harm that is far-reaching in its consequences and damages go far beyond the relatively modest prescribed limits in the Act.


Other Injuries and Hiring Lawyers

Traffic accidents are the most obvious way residents of the GTA can sustain injuries but there are a host of other personal injury categories. In every event it is advisable to hire a lawyer or firm that focuses on personal injury law.


Many personal injury lawyers advertise extensively on a variety of platforms. Check out the online listings of the local personal injury firms. A good company will have an informative site – a place you can learn from before approaching them. Look for biographical information on its staff, and with the expertise of its lawyers in dealing with injuries.


Hiring an insurance claims lawyer is always a great idea when you have suffered a personal injury due to an accident. Finding one that is local to the GTA will help move the case along faster to get you the financial stability you need right away.