
Why You Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident

Finding a Car Accident Injury Lawyer

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, it’s important to find a lawyer for your car accident injury claim.

Car Accident Injuries

According to Transit Canada, over ten thousand people were injured in motor vehicle collisions in 2010. Over two 2,200 people were killed by vehicles during the same year.
An experienced lawyer for car accidents can help you predict what the size of your claim will be since it depends on the nature and severity of your injuries. The most common car accident injuries are head and brain injuries, bruising, bone fractures, internal organ injuries, back injuries, dislocated or fractured joints and connective tissue injuries.
Another type of injury is soft tissue damage. This can be hard to diagnose immediately following the accident. That’s why it’s important to visit your family doctor after an accident since the symptoms can take days to appear. An injury like whiplash may not appear for days, but ends up causing indefinite chronic pain for fifteen to twenty percent of the people with this injury. That means that you could still be dealing with the cost of medication and physiotherapy long after an accident.

The Average Claim for Car Accidents in Canada

According to numbers released by the Insurance Bureau of Canada, the average claim for a car accident in Canada in 2010 was $14,973. During the same year, the average accident benefits claim for car accidents was $56,092. This amount includes medication, rehabilitation and other costs associated with recovery.

How a Lawyer for Car Accident Claims Can Help

Immediately following the accident, you may not be in shape to collect witness information, take pictures of the accident site or perform any other important information-gathering tasks. You may not even be released from the hospital. A lawyer can take care of these details for you. This is especially important for time-sensitive cases. For example, some municipalities require you to file a claim within ten days of an accident where the municipality is at fault.
Your car accident lawyer can also take on the burden for you of dealing with the insurance adjuster of the person at fault. Since your lawyer will have years of experience dealing with questions from insurance companies, he/she can aptly handle the answers so they won’t come back to haunt you and lessen your claim later. Insurance adjusters are there to try to lower the amount that an insurance company has to pay and has years of experience in handling car accident claims. You’re under no obligation to talk to the insurance adjuster. Having a lawyer on your side and answering the questions for you levels the playing field, especially if you’ve never spoken to an insurance adjuster before.
Since your lawyer is familiar with personal injury claims, he/she can help you focus on the future. A severe injury may require long-term care, housekeeping help or even home renovations to make it easier for you to get around. Your claim should include estimated costs so that the money is there when you need it.
Knowing the average claim for car accidents in Canada can help you estimate how much help you can count on to replace lost wages and cover your costs. A lawyer for car accidents can help you build your claim so that you can concentrate on getting better.

Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer for Car Accidents

By Mark
Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer for Car Accidents

Finding the Right Personal Injury Lawyer for a Car Accident


When looking for a personal injury lawyer after a car accident, it is important to find someone that has experience and that you trust, because your lawyer is going to have the job of dealing with your insurance company for you.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer after a car accident is the best option because they can help you predict how large or small your claim will be, depending on the nature of your injuries.

Tracking Your Car Insurance Claim


After the car accident has occurred and you have filed your claims, you might feel the stress alleviated, but there are still more steps that need to be handled to ensure that your claim is resolved.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer after a car accident will allow you to receive legal advice on the subject, but there are steps that you can take to track your claim online or over the phone.

Why Should You Track Your Claim?


It’s important to track your car insurance claim because it allows you to submit any missing information quickly and efficiently. You are also able to keep yourself updated and respond to any changes that are made.

Tracking Your Claim by Phone


When you are tracking your claim over the phone, you are able to speak to a representative. This is great because you can always ask them any questions that you might have concerning your claim.

Tracking Your Claim Online


Some auto insurance companies have different options to track your claim online. You can sign up for SMS/text messages that will alert you whenever your status changes. You can also see photos of your car as it is being repaired.

The online and phone options to track your claim are extremely helpful when you are in the process of having your claim resolved. These options make it easy to stay informed and to ask questions during the process.

Finding a personal injury lawyer for a car accident will make this process much easier, as your personal injury lawyer will be the person keeping you informed. They are on your side and will be willing to answer any questions you might have, while making sure that they resolve your claim as best as they can.
