
Spinal Cord Injury Help with Lawsuit

Spinal Cord Injury Help with Lawsuit

What Kind of Lawyer is Best for Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury is classified as a "catastrophic injury”. If you file a law suit, you will require legal assistance. Find a personal injury law firm and determine if they have lawyers on staff who have handled spinal cord claims. Such claims have very particular requirements and this is not a time to enlist the help of just any general practice lawyer.
Spinal cord injuries – like brain injuries – often require extended medical treatment and can, in some cases, last a lifetime. The assessment of the longevity of the injuries and the calculation of the kind of damages needed to treat them is a difficult. The injured party needs someone who has experience with those calculations.
A lawyer who is versed in spinal cord cases can also arrange all the necessary physical – and psychological – assessments.

Pursuing Claims for Benefits

There is provision under Ontario’s Insurance Act for spinal cord benefits – It is listed under the heading "catastrophic injury". It is also possible to pursue a remedy in the courts. If another party caused the accident that resulted in the client’s injuries – and was negligent – then there is a case to be made in tort law. It is necessary, therefore, to have a lawyer who is experienced with settling claims – but who is also prepared to go to trial.

Paying for a Lawyer

The first meeting with a lawyer should be free of charge. If the lawyer agrees to take on the spinal cord injury case, it should be on a contingency fee basis. That means that his/her payment will come in the form of a negotiated and mutually agreeable percentage out of the proceeds of a successful settlement. A client should never be on the hook for costs incurred during the claim itself.