
Spinal Injury Lawyers Take on All Legal Matter for Victims

How Many People Are Suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries?

Spinal injury lawyers are mainly contacted by the 35% of 900 spinal cord injured accident victims a year. Likewise, lawyers deal with spinal cord injuries (SCI) from all victims whether it is from the 80% of males who are suffering symptoms or the 42,000 Canadians living with SCI. Due to the costly expense to take care of spinal injuries, SCI victims often contact personal injury lawyers experienced in spinal injuries. Studies show that there is no cure for SCI, but if victims find early treatment chances of the injury becoming severe is reduced. Also, the likelihood of recovery increases. Therefore, young adults under the age of 35 who are often faced with SCI are recommended to seek legal advice from personal injury lawyers.

The Affects of Spinal Injuries

The spinal cord carries 31 pairs of nerves that send multiple signals throughout the body. Without a functioning spinal cord, the human body will not be able to function properly. A damaged spine can result in body movement and numbness issues. Furthermore, SCI victims can suffer severe concussions leading to memory loss and paralysis. After a traumatic incident, like a car accident or a slip on ice, victims should see a physicians if any of the following symptoms occur:
  • Problems breathing
  • Loss of feeling or numbness in hands, feet, toes or fingers
  • Body incoordination or paralysis
  • Weakness within the body
  • Lack of bowel or bladder control
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Sudden erections
Likewise, the symptoms can erupt whether the incident is traumatic or not. In the case of spinal injury symptoms occurring without an incident taking place, the victim is faced with a non-traumatic injury (NTI). Due to internal adversities, NTI may occur which can also cause spinal injuries. It is best to seek early treatment for SCI symptoms but the cost can range from $1.5 to $3 million throughout the life span of a SCI victim. Therefore, personal injury lawyers can assist SCI victims in the process of a spinal injury claim to receive compensation.

The Outcome of Consulting a Lawyer

Spinal injury lawyers from personal injury law firms can take a victim’s claim to court and fight for rightful compensation. When faced with SCI, a victim may not have the patience, time or knowledge to speak with insurances companies. The cost of a spinal injury lawyer varies. Most lawyers will not charge SCI victims unless compensation is received and others will charge by the hour of service. Furthermore, a lawyer will communicate a SCI victim’s needs ensuring compensation is received and that the victim is satisfied.  SCI compensation can range from $250,000 for damages and suffering to nearly $1 million.  The compensation can help SCI victims pay for rehabilitation, assistance services, a wheelchair or automobile to suit their needs or compensate the loss of future income. Without a spinal injury lawyer, SCI victims may not receive beneficial compensations due to the inexperience of making a spinal injury claim. Without further ado, it is strongly advised that SCI victims leave legal matters to a lawyer, while they recover in the comfort of their homes.